Performance Management System

Performance Management System

Performance Management System (PMS) is a scientific and objective method of assessing the performance of an employee with respect to the set targets and to inform the employee about his/her strengths and the areas in which he/she needs to improve. The Appraiser and the Appraisee should clearly understand their roles and responsibilities to render PMS a result-oriented process. They should display exemplary trust, empathy, commitment, communication skills, etc. Proper preparation should be done before the PMS interaction and clear action plans should be drawn after the interaction for future reviewing and monitoring.

Our Process

We offer the following services:

  • Formulating a scientific, objective, simple yet comprehensive PMS with the Parameters
    and Weightage Factors.
  • Conducting Training Programmes for Appraisees and Appraisers sensitizing them about
    their roles and responsibilities to render the PMS very effective and result-oriented.

Opinions of our clients

“… The new system designed in collaboration with Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah has helped us in bringing greater objectivity into the Performance Appraisal and it has been well appreciated. The new Appraisal system is simple, robust and we are confident that we will be able to effectively use it for next several years…”
– Flowserve India Controls Pvt. Ltd
“… Your programmes were excellently received by our employees…”
– LancoInfratech Ltd.
“… Your training programme has become a benchmark in our organization. The design, pedagogy and your articulation from concept to application was so interesting, absorbing and enlivening that the participants were at the edge of their seats throughout the programs…”
– Suchir India Developers (P) Ltd.
“… M/s. Unique Consultants have formulated for us a very scientific, practical and effective Performance Management System (PMS). The expertise and experience they have in this area was evident. They also conducted training programme for the Appraisors. We whole heartedly recommend the organizations to utilize their services for formulating PMS and training programmes on PMS…”
– Shakti Precision Components Pvt. Ltd.
“…The Training Programme was extremely well received. The presentation style, case studies, games and exercises were very thoughtful and relevant. The Training Programme made a huge impact on our Mid-Level Managers. M/s. Unique Consultants have vast knowledge in PMS which is very evident in the way they conduct Training Programmes on this topic. Apart from being very impactful, the Training Programme was also highly interactive which rendered the programme very lively and interesting. We recommend to those companies who would like to introduce PMS in the organization or train the Appraisers and Appraisers (to render PMS very objective and result-oriented) to utilize the great expertise and experience of M/s. Unique Consultants…”
– Pierian Services Pvt. Ltd.
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