Finance Management


One of the major concerns for employees is their Financial Planning.  They need to manage their expenses within the income and have good financial discipline.  They need to plan in advance for the education and manage their children.  They have to save for a rainy day (unexpected financial problems).  They need to invest wisely and also plan for their retirement, well in advance.  They also have to plan their taxes, insurances and other finance related activities.

This Training Programme has been exclusively customized to educate and sensitize the employees on these very important aspects enabling them to manage their finances very effectively and wisely.  The Training Programme will be very informative and useful to the participants.

Course Contents:

A. Importance of Financial Planning:

B. Consequences of not planning the finances:

C. Developing saving habits:

D. Tax planning:

E. Financial Discipline:

F. Planning children’s education and marriage:

G. Retirement Planning:

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