Security Companies

Opinions of our clients

“…The programme was very effective and useful. We are observing good improvement in the performance and attitude of our employees after they attended the Training Programme. We have also purchased their books which are very informative and thought-provoking. We whole-heartedly recommend our clients to organise their Training Programmes for their Managers, Supervisors and employees and reap rich benefits out of the Training programmes by M/s. Unique Consultants…”
-Uniq Detective & Security Services Pvt. Ltd
“… Awesome, Fantastic, Fabulous, Eye Opener, Excellent, Great, Superb- These are only a few words expressed by our Staff as a feedback on the Training Programme conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru during our 26th Annual day celebration. The Training Programme was absolutely superb. It captivated our employees and has left an indilible impact on them. The Contents, Training Methodology, Case Studies and Anecdotes quoted in the Training Programme were simply awesome. Our employees have got tremendously benefitted by the Training Programme and they are already compelling us to conduct further Training Programmes from M/s. Unique Consultants. This is the testimony of the effectiveness and the usefulness of their Training Programme.
-Guardwell Detective Services Pvt. Ltd
“…The Training Programme was, to say the least, extraordinary. The participants were captivated and glued to their seats throughout the Training Programme absorbing the powerful and practical inputs given by the faculty to be successful in profession(in particular) and life (in general). At the end of the Training Programme, our executives were charged with tremendous enthusiasm and motivation. The Training Programme was down-to-earth, impactful, thought-provoking and very interesting. The Training programme was so effective that we have decided to conduct another Training Programme from M/s. Unique Consultants. That is what our executives have insisted and we would be pleased to accede to their request”
-Alert Commandos Pvt. Ltd
“…The Training Programme conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru was superb.The programme was received with a standing ovation from our employees since it was an eye opener for them. The programme was gripping, the contents were extremely valuable and the Training Methodology (with Case Studies, Games, Exercises, etc.) was marvelous. We recommend that many more organizations should conduct the Training Programmes of M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru to enhance the motivation and performance of their employees…”
-Safe Hands 24 x 7
“…The Training Programme was outstanding and an eye opener for the participants. The training methodology and the presentation skills of the trainer were outstanding and thrilled the participants in so much that many of our member organisations are asking us to conduct further Training Programmes from M/s. Unique Consultants. The contents of the Training Programme was very thoughtfully customised for the target group who gave a standing ovation to the trainer at the end of the Training Programme. We urge many more Associations, Institutions and Organisations to utilize the tremendous expertise and competence of M/s. Unique Consultants and conduct their Training Programmes for their member organisations…”
–Karnataka Security Services Association (KSSA)
“…The Training Programme was a splendid one with extremely effective contents, training methodology and presentation skills. Our employees have found the programme a memorable one and this may prove to be a turning point in their life. The programme will definitely improve the performance and attitude of our employees tremendously…”
–Sri Udyog Enterprises
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