Managerial Effectiveness


Being ‘Effective’ is to produce results. Today, the responsibility of every employee is all about to achieve the set targets of quality, timelines and other parameters. Results will come only when a number of skills are imbibed and skills are put to use in an intelligent, wise and co-ordinated manner. Just hard work does not produce results. The efforts should be focused and directed intelligently in the proper direction to achieve the results. An employee will, in this competitive era, be judged based on the results he produces. This training programme bestows the employee the requisite skills, wisdom and attitude need to be effective (ie., result-oriented).

Course Contents:

A. Result-orientation:

B. Self Motivation and Positive Attitude:

C. Time Management

D. Team Building

E. Interpersonal Relationship

F. Communication Skills

G. Creativity:

H. Emotional Quotient

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