Social Clubs

  • Indian Red Cross Society
  • Rotary Clubs
  • Lions Club
  • Karnataka Sangha, Qatar 
  • Brigade Gateway Residents Welfare Associations (BGRWA)
  • Ranka Corner Owners Association 
  • Y’s Men International
  • Bhavsar Vision
  • Karnataka Padmashali Sangha
  • Karnataka Padmashali Mahila Samaja
  • Vidya Jyothi Charitable Trust
  • Value Based Education Foundation
  • Beejadakatte Prathishtana
  • Cadabams Group
  • Hindu Sadara Kshemabhivrudhi Sangha

Opinions of our clients

“…Thanks a lot for your super speech. Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah of M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru delivered a talk for Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and other office bearers of various Lions Clubs of District 317A. The audience who were more than 250 persons were spell bound by the powerful and the impactful talk by Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah about on the need of serving the society and leading a very successful and happy life. His presentation skills were extraordinary and the examples quoted by him were very thought-provoking, He was able to capture the minds and hearts of the audience with his exemplary presentation skills. His talk made very deep impact on the Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and other office bearers who, at the end of the programme, highly appreciated and admired his talk. His great expertise in addressing people and his vast experience of over two and a half decades were evident in his talk. We feel privileged that such an eminent person was our speaker to inspire and motivate our club officers. Highly impressed by the talk of Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah and the impact the programme had no the audience, we have recommended to the Lions Clubs to utilize his services. We would be conducting many more of his Lectures/Training Programmes. The PST Seminar was a grand success mainly due to your motivational speech. My congratulations to your team of dedicated people for the success of the programme…”
– Lions Club
“… M/s Unique Consultants conducted a Training Programme for the Residents of Ranka Corner Apartment on 9th April 2013. The Training Programme was extremely well received and was very useful and effective. Fresh insights on ‘relationship’ were given. The presentation was exemplary. The contents of the talk were well designed and residents were immensely benefitted by the Training Programme. We wish to place on record our sincere appreciation of the competence and commitment of M/s Unique Consultants…”
– Ranka Corner Owners Association
“… M/s. Unique Consultants (headed by Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah resident of Apartment Number B 1604 at Brigade Gateway) have conducted a Training Programme for the staff of our Association. Also, on the Children’s Day, ie., 14.11.2012, they conducted a Training Programme on ‘Personality Development’ for the children of Resident of Brigade Gateway. These Training Programmes were extremely well received and were found very effective and useful. The customized course contents, excellent presentation skills, exemplary messages, very effective training techniques with appropriate games rendered the Training Programmes a great experience for the participants. Our staff and the residents’ children highly appreciated the programme and felt that they got immensely benefitted by the Training Programmes. We wish to place on record our sincere appreciation of the competence and commitment of M/s. unique Consultants…”
-Brigade Gateway Residents Welfare Association
“…The talk on ‘Joy of giving” on 26th June 2015 by Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah of M/s. Unique Consultants was one of the clearest, most logical, argumentative and convincing talk on the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility. He is a passionate, powerful and motivational speaker who weaves together humor and adventure into an entertaining and informative for listeners. Every point he touched upon was elucidated by the clearness of his logic and with his keen blade of satire he laid down the features of Corporate Social Responsibility. His manner of talk is neither fanciful nor rhetorical but logical. His thoughts are strong thoughts and are strongly joined together. He is a close reasoner and has the faculty of making himself clearly understood. His address was with sheer confidence, powerful conviction, strong commitment and lot of enthusiasm and was well received in most profound silence. Every word was clear and audible as the ringing. He was able to connect the entire audience through the eyes. We wish him all the very best in all future endeavors filled with “out of box thinking…”
-Rotary International District 3190
“…The training programme was really very insightful to all of us. Points were to-the-point and very informative. Our heartfelt thanks for this wonderful programme…”
-Rotary Udyog
“…The talk by Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah of M/s. Unique Consultants was one of the clearest, most logical and convincing talk on the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility. He is a passionate, powerful and motivational speaker who weaves together humor and adventure into a entertaining and informative experience for listeners. Every point he touched upon was elucidated by the clarity of his logic and with his keen blade of satire he laid down the features of Corporate Social Responsibility. His manner of talk is neither fanciful nor rhetorical, but logical. His thoughts are strong thoughts and are strongly joined together. He is a close reasoned and has the faculty of making himself clearly understood. His address was with sheer confidence, powerful conviction, strong commitment and lot of enthusiasm and was well received in most profound silence. Every word was clear and audible as the ringing. He was able to connect the entire audience through the eyes…”
– Rotary Bangalore, Nagarbhavi
“…The Motivational Talk by Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah transported the audience to a new, exotic and different world and it took a little while for them to come back to this world after the talk was over. The above words told by the District Governor, Flt. Lt. K.P.Nagesh in his address (after the Motivational Talk) sums up the tremendous impact created by Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah in his talk to Rotary Members. Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah’s talk was captivating, mesmerizing, thought-provoking and enchanting. He has tremendous knowledge, unparalleled Presentation Skills, Instantaneous rapport with the audience and incredible training techniques. He is doing a yeoman service to humanity thro’ his energizing programmes and we suggest all Clubs and Associations should organize his Lectures and Training Programmes to reap the rich benefits therefrom…”
– Rotary Bangalore Metro
“…The Dance Drama choreographed and performed by M/s. Unique Consultants for our event was spectacular. Their choreography was very remarkable and innovative. The Dance Drama with very attractive theme and graceful movements of the artists with lilting music captivated the audience. The Dance drama enthralled the audience and transported them to an exotic and different world. The profound concepts, meticulous planning and the passion of M/s. Unique Consultants (to create a memorable Dance Ballet) was evident throughout the performance. We sincerely recommend to all organizations to utilize the incredible commitment and competence of M/s. Unique Consultants in creating fantastic Dance Dramas to delight the audience…”
-Rotary International District 3190
“…I highly appreciate the professional and scientific way in which the entire workshop was conducted by you. I am quite certain that the participants have been benefitted to a great extent. The opinions are quite interesting and they depict that the scintillating and educative workshop conducted by you will go a long way in helping the participants to overcome stress both in their professional as well as personal life. I once again thank you very much for sparing your precious time to our Rotary Club of Bangalore, Peenya and giving us an excellent and most useful programme…”
-Rotary Club, Peenya
“…Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah has, from the last 25 years, been conducting Training Programmes and delivering lectures for Rotary Clubs. His contribution to the cause of Rotary is remarkable. His talk, to say the least, was electrifying, captivating and mesmerizing. He spoke passionately about how Rotary Clubs can function more effectively by serving the humanity better, faster and innovatively. He gave invaluable tips how Rotarians can make a difference. The audience listened to his talk with rapt attention. The contents of his talk has been exclusively customized for Rotary. His Presentation Skills were incredible, his rapport with the audience was remarkable and the anecdotes/examples he narrates were tremendously impactful. His passion to motivate people to serve humanity is unmistakably seen in every word and sentence he spoke. I feel we were truly honored and privileged to listen to his talk and get inspired and motivated. Here is my strong recommendation to all Rotary Clubs in Dist. 3190: Please arrange Lectures and Training Programmes of Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah and get inspired. In my opinion, every Rotary Club should exploit his tremendous knowledge and skill to create a passion in Rotarians to serve the humanity and take Rotary to greater and newer heights…”
-Rotary Bangalore, Yelahanka
“…The Training Programmes were marvelous and splendid. With his unique style of communication, laced with examples and anecdotes, Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah captivated the students who cheered every word that he spoke. The entire hall was reverberating with positive energy due to the electrifying talk by him. We are sure his Training Programmes will be the guiding light for the students to lead a successful and value – based life. Truly, Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah’s service to the student community is remarkable. His passion to develop the students to sculpt them as responsible citizens is evident in his every activity. He is a great asset for the student community and for organizations like us who are wedded to support the students…”
-Vidya Jyothi Charitable Trust
“…It was really a pleasure to have you with us and we all enjoyed the program very well. We have received a number of extremely encouraging feedback from the participants who appreciated your approach, content and delivery. Thank you very much and look forward to more such programs in the future…”
– Y’s Men International, Bengaluru
“…Words at our command fail to express our appreciation and gratitude for the unmatched and stupendous Training Session on ‘Joy of Service’ conducted by the legendary Trainer and Management Consultant, Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah of Unique Consultants, Bengaluru. He mesmerized, captivated, jolted, regaled and thrilled about 150 persons who were intoxicated by the spell cast by him by his stunning presentation. His eloquency in speaking, thought-provoking concepts, well timed wit, rib tickling humor, splendid presentation style with fantastic training methodology left the audience bowled. It became quite a difficult task for us to stop the constant pouring of appreciation and admiration of the audience who were intensely and immensely impacted by his Training Programme. The Senior Office Bearers of our organization instantly requested him to address our forthcoming massive events. We are itching to listen to him many more times. Kudos to this person who possesses unbelievable knowledge, unsurmountable skills, remarkable energy and, above all, intense concern towards humanity. His is a treasure house to be exploited, an icon to be appreciated and a Role Model to be emulated…”
-Bhavsar Vision
“…The opinions are the testimony of the efforts of Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah. He was not allowing us to deviate even once from concentrating on the programme. All of today’s learning will help each one of us for our life. He comes with a wealth of experience of 40 years…”
-World Trade Center (WTC)
A. Letter received from Mr. Dwarakanath P.V., Region Chairman on our talk:

“…Your talk for our members was exceptionally interesting and very useful. Our members, who were about 250 in number, highly appreciated and admired your talk. The concepts laced with sensible humour captivated them who listened your lecture with rapt attention. Your incredible expertise and experience in delivering such lectures was evident in every word of your talk. We wish to place on record our heartfelt appreciation for your wonderful talk…”

B. Letter received from Lion GP Divakar, PMJF District Governor Dist.317A:

“…Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah of M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru delivered a talk forPresidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and other office bearers of various Lions Clubs of District317A. The audience who were more than 250 persons were spell bound by the powerful andthe impactful talk by Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah about the need of serving the society and leadinga very successful and happy life. His presentation skills were extraordinary and the examplesquoted by him were very thought-provoking.He was able to capture the minds and hearts of the audience with his exemplary presentationskills. His talk made very deep impact on the Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and otheroffice bearers who, at the end of the programme, highly appreciated and admired his talk. Hisgreat expertise in addressing people and his vast experience of over two and a half decadeswere evident in his talk. We feel privileged that such an eminent person was our speaker toinspire and motivate our club officers.Highly impressed by the talk of Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah and the impact the programme had onthe audience, we have recommended to the Lions Clubs to utilize his services. We would beconducting many more of his Lectures/ Training Programs…”

C. E-mail dt. 15.12.2017 received from Mr. B. R. Mukund, Lions Club member regarding our various Training Sessions:

“…I have attended two of your talks/Training Programmes, as a lion member. I am highly impressed with both the experiences. Your anecdotes laced with humour went very wellwith the target audience. Another specialty of yours that I noticed is the rebuttal to awkward questions thrown, in a manner that it is light hearted, yet, it reachesthe target like an arrow. Further, your disciplined life is exemplary enough to be taken as arole model by youngsters who want to shape their life for higher order goals in life. Your hardwork and the high energy level is something to be seen to believed! I want many many peoplelike me to have the chance of being trained by you. It is a reward in itself…”

D. Letter sent by Mr. Divakar, PMJF Dist. Governor Dist.317A on 12 th December 2017 regarding our Training Session conducted on 9 th December 2017:

‘…It was indeed a great pleasure and honour to our District 317A, especially to me, for yourpresence as a faculty for the Region Chairpersons /Zone Chairpersons/ Secretariat Members/Presidents / Secretaries. All the participants were enlightened in the Lions LeadershipDevelopment Initiative Seminar & Certified Guiding Lion Program held during 9th & 10thDecember 2017 at Mysore. All the participants appreciated and expressed their heartfeltthanks for your informative interactions and also helping our District to successfully conductthe seminar. It is always a pleasure to have you in all our activities to motivate the Lions…”

E. Opinions of Lions Clubs members (as per their written feedback) on the Training Session conducted by us on 9.12.2017:
  • Best of the best programme
  • Wonderful Training Programme in my career
  • Fantastic programme
  • Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah has taken us to a different world which has made us to look
    into ourselves and move forward. It has been a great experience to attend this
  • The programme was awesome
  • Outstanding programme
  • One of the best programme I have seen
  • By the programme, we can lead a beautiful life
  • We feel like listening to you more and more
  • By the programme, we could see our life in a new way
  • It is a 200% very experienced motivational speech
  • Heart touching programme
  • Everything in your programme is like medicine to our life
  • This is the 3 rd training I have attended (conducted by you) and, in each training, I got
    lots of information and also got enlightened
  • I want to attend your programme with my family. Please inform in advance.
  • Most useful Training Programme
  • Really, your each and every programme is essential in human life.
  • We are lucky to have your programme
  • Excellent programme
  • It was a vibrating programme
  • This is the third time (of yours) I am hearing. All these times, I have thoroughly enjoyed
    and enjoyed your Training Programme.
  • Your way of presentation is excellent
  • The programme is essential for this generation
  • Very knowledgeable programme
  • Very needful programme
  • Very understandable programme
  • Very informative, admirable and a very knowledgeable programme
  • Very motivating programme
  • Nice Trainer and Management Consultant
  • Greatly enjoyed the programme
  • A valuable programme
  • Very interesting programme
  • You shared very important experiences
  • Too good a programme
  • Very interactive programme
  • The programme is the need of the hour
  • This programme is thought providing, very interactive, educative and much more
  • Very informative programme
F.E-mail dt. 29.1.2018 received from Mr. S.Anthony Joseph, Lions Clubs International- 317F regarding our Training Session:

“…This is to inform you that all the participants of ‘Leadership Exploration and Development’ program enjoyed your session with joy. Thanking you very much and looking forward for more actions of mutual cause…”

– Mr. S. Anthony Joseph
Global Leadership Team Co-ordinator, Lions Clubs International – 317F

G. Whats App message received from Ms. Bharati, Lions Club regarding our motivational session:

“…I am Bharati here from Lions Club. I attended your motivational session at Royal Hotel. Since I got back, I have been seeing your videos and sharing them with family and friends. Your profession of spreading positive values to the society is priceless. It is an eye opener for every person who listens to you. I just wanted to convey my gratitude and say I am blessed to have met you and listened to your talk…”

H. Opinions of the participants (as written by them in the Feedback Formats) of Lions Clubs 317F on the Lecture delivered on 27 th January 2018:
  •  Super perfect programme
  • We need more time from you, with you, and by you.
  • One of the best programmes I have attended so far.
  • The faculty is like a fatherly character explaining about how to carry on.
  • The programme opened up our blocked mind
  • Fantastic programme
  • It was a totally different programme.
  • The programme was an eye opener for us.
  • Would like to be associated in some capacity into your amazing work.
  • Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah’s Programme is useful to our society with very important


  •  The impact of slides was great.

  • Beautiful programme

  •  Wonderful programme

  • A wonderful experience of bright side of life for life.

  •  Super good programme

  • Request to have more seminars

  • Very excellent programme

  • Programme motivates people to the great heights

  • Very effective programme

  • Very useful programme in my day to day life

  • No words to talk about this person; He inspired me.

  • Meaningful programme

  • Being humorous, the session was kept lively

  • Excellent programme with practical suggestions

  • The best talk; very interesting one

  • Excellent work

  • Enlightening programme

  • Very useful programme

  • Realistic programme

  • Very good programme

  • Meaningful programme with deep insights

  • Even if I improve by 1%, my life is made.

  • Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah is excellent

“…Our Lions club has won these Appreciations and Awards for the Service Activities conducted in the Lionistic year 2018-19. On this occasion, we wholeheartedly thank you for your moral support and encouragement towards our clubs’ success…”
- Ln. V. Ramesh
President, Lions Club
• The Motivational Talk given by Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah of M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru for about 400 Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Cabinet Officers etc. of our District was fantastic and splendid.
• The audience were captivated and mesmerized by his electrifying talk.
• The unique feature of Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah is his ability to customize the contents of the talk as per the audience.
• The concepts, examples and anecdotes he explained in his talk were simply superb.
• He is a speaker and a trainer par excellence.
• Throughout his talk, he captured the attention of the audience who were at the edge of their seat listening to his extremely impactful talk.
• We wish to sincerely appreciate and compliment Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah for his wonderful talk which incredibly inspired and motivated the participants.
- V.G. Shetty,
District Governor District 317C The International Association of Lions Clubs
“…The Training Programme on ‘Personality Development’ conducted by Mr. V Aswatha Ramaiah of M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru was superb and fantastic. It is very evident that Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah has done very intensive and extensive research on ‘Personality Development’. Otherwise, it is just not possible to do such a powerful presentation with utmost clarity and with very relevant and appropriate concepts, case studies and examples. Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah literally won the hearts and the minds of the elite gathering who had come over to listen to him very eagerly. Every word he spoke and every concept he narrated was highly appreciated and admired by the participants.  Many participants felt that, although they have read and attended many Training Programmes on ‘Personality Development’, the approach and the narrative on the subject which Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah gave was unique and very different. He captivated the audience throughout the programme. We wish to place on record our heartfelt appreciation for the profound knowledge, exemplary presentation style and commitment of Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah in conducting high-impact Training Programmes which the participants would cherish in their mind for a very long time…”
- Beejadakatte Fans Association
“…Your Webinars are excellent. Hats off to you for such work. Your Webinars will always have something positive to take note of. We are very much impressed with your work in various fields. Let God bless you with good health to continue this noble services…”
- Mr. Rajashekhar Hiremath Director, Cadabams Group
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