Security Companies

  • Alert Commandos Pvt. Ltd.
  • Guardwell Detective Services Pvt. Ltd.
  • HardcoreSecurity’s
  • Karnataka Security Services Association (KSSA)
  • Poojyaya Security Services
  • Private Eye Pvt. Ltd.
  • Prompt & Smart Security (Bangalore) Pvt. Ltd.
  • Safe Hands 24 x 7
  • SIS India Ltd.
  • SRF Detective & Security Services Pvt. Ltd 
  • Sri Udyog Enterprises
  • Uniq Detective & Security Services Pvt. Ltd.

Opinions of our clients

“...The programme was very effective and useful. We are observing good improvement in the performance and attitude of our employees after they attended the Training Programme. We have also purchased their books which are very informative and thought-provoking. We whole-heartedly recommend our clients to organise their Training Programmes for their Managers, Supervisors and employees and reap rich benefits out of the Training programmes by M/s. Unique Consultants...”
-Uniq Detective & Security Services Pvt. Ltd
“... Awesome, Fantastic, Fabulous, Eye Opener, Excellent, Great, Superb- These are only a few words expressed by our Staff as a feedback on the Training Programme conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru. The Training Programme was absolutely superb. It captivated our employees and has left an indilible impact on them. The Contents, Training Methodology, Case Studies and Anecdotes quoted in the Training Programme were simply awesome. Our employees have got tremendously benefitted by the Training Programme and they are already compelling us to conduct further Training Programmes from M/s. Unique Consultants. This is the testimony of the effectiveness and the usefulness of their Training Programme.
-Guardwell Detective Services Pvt. Ltd
“...The Training Programme was, to say the least, extraordinary. The participants were captivated and glued to their seats throughout the Training Programme absorbing the powerful and practical inputs given by the faculty to be successful in profession(in particular) and life (in general). At the end of the Training Programme, our executives were charged with tremendous enthusiasm and motivation. The Training Programme was down-to-earth, impactful, thought-provoking and very interesting. The Training programme was so effective that we have decided to conduct another Training Programme from M/s. Unique Consultants.That is what our executives have insisted and we would be pleased to accede to their request.
-Alert Commandos Pvt. Ltd
“...The Training Programme was superb.Theprogramme was received with a standing ovation from our employees since it wasan eye opener for them. The programme was gripping, the contents were extremelyvaluable and the Training Methodology (with Case Studies, Games, Exercises, etc.) wasmarvelous. We recommend that many more organizations should conduct the TrainingProgrammes of M/s. Unique Consultants, to enhance the motivation andperformance of their employees...”
-Safe Hands 24 x 7
• The Training Programme was outstanding and an eye opener for the participants. The training methodology and the presentation skills of the trainer were outstanding and thrilled the participants in so much that many of our member organizations are asking us to conduct further Training Programmes from M/s. Unique Consultants.
• The contents of the Training Programme was very thoughtfully customised for the target group who gave a standing ovation to the trainer at the end of the Training Programme.
• We urge many more Associations, Institutions and Organisations to utilize the tremendous expertise and competence of M/s. Unique Consultants and conduct their Training Programmes for their member organisations.
• The Training Programme on 'Towards Progress in Security Function’ conducted by Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah of M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru was splendid and fantastic.
• About 200 Managers, Executives, Supervisors, Staff and employees in other cadres of many Security Companies attended the Training Programme.
• Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah captivated and mesmerized the participants with his tremendous knowledge on the subject and amazing Presentation/Training Skills.
• The Case Studies, Examples, illustrations etc. narrated by him in the Training Programme were awesome.
• The participants were wonderstruck with his inspiring programme.
• The Power Point Presentation shown by him in the Training Programme was very impactful to drive home the points being explained by him.
• Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah has great expertise and vast experience in conducting Training Programmes for Security Companies.
• He has conducted Training Programmes in several Security Companies. The performance, contribution and attitude of the employees of the participants have greatly increased after attending the Training Programmes conducted by Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah.
• We strongly suggest to all Security Companies to organize Training Programmes by M/s. Unique Consultants and get immensely benefitted.
• Especially in the present complex, competitive and difficult business situations being faced by Security Companies, the Training Programmes of Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah will be of great help and immensely beneficial.
–Karnataka Security Services Association (KSSA)
“…The Training Programme was a splendid one with extremely effective contents, training methodology and presentation skills. Our employees have found the programme a memorable one and this may prove to be a turning point in their life. The programme will definitely improve the performance and attitude of our employees tremendously…”
–Sri Udyog Enterprises
“…Ms. Unique Consultants have very thoughtfully formulated Spoken English course customized for the exact requirements of Security Agencies. Ms. MeghanaHanumesh has conducted the Spoken English course with tremendous capability and confidence. Her teaching methodology is very practical, down-to-earth and relevant. She has established extremely good rapport with the participants. Her Spoken English course is very impactful and result-oriented. Our employees are delighted with her programme and they have now improved their spoken English ability. We place on record the wonderful Spoken English Course conducted by Ms. MeghanaHanumesh and recommend that Security Agencies should make use of this unique, customized programme by Ms. Unique consultants. Many more companies should utilize the services of Ms. MeghanaHanumesh by conducting her high-impact Spoken English Courses for their employees…”
–Prompt & Smart Security (Bangalore) Pvt. Ltd.


Our Managers, Executives and Staff have highly appreciated the Training Programme andwere wonderstruck with the mesmerizing and captivating programme conducted by thefaculty.The participants listened with rapt attention every word of the faculty.The rapport of thefaculty with the participants was phenomenal.His presentation style was outstanding, theexamples and anecdotes quoted were extremely appropriate and the subject knowledge ofthe faculty is fantastic. The teaching materials used during the session and themethodology of usage were also admirable.The programme contained very vital and valid points as to how a Security Company canimprove its performance.The programme was extremely effective, practical and interesting.It is a pleasure to place on record that the Training Programme was simply superb. It isreally a privilege to state that we are enlightened with your highly motivating session forour employees. Having got highly impressed by the impact of the Training Programme, wehave decided to conduct many more Training Programmes for our employees from M/s.Unique Consultants in days to come.


Unique Consultants have made a very elaborate study on the Role and Responsibilities of Security Guards and have customized a very unique contents for the Security Guards. The Training Module is very appropriate for the Security Guards. The faculty explained with great precision and clarityeach and every responsibility of the Security Guard. The faculty kept the audience captivated with his vast experience (in the field of training Security Companies), very impactful presentation style and high level of rapport with the participants.The programme was very interactive and practical. The Training Programme for our Security Guards was highly effective and impactful.In all, it was a wonderful experience and we have decided to conduct many more Training Programmes from M/s. Unique Consultants for our Security Guards.
- Poojyaya Security Services
“…I wish to place on record the excellent programme conducted by you for our staff. We look forward to many more such Training Programmes in future…”
- Mr. P. Ravindranath, Director, Private Eye (P)Ltd.
• I pray for your good health and education to all by you.
• I was spellbound. I have never heard such a wonderful training.
• The programme was Fantastic, Memorable, Great, Most useful, Excellent, Very interactive, Really good, Logical, Very nice.
• Each and every word in the programme was interesting. Language used/examples quoted could connect with people across levels.
• The programme was more than my expectation.
• Really, an unexpected fantastic programme. I got inspired.
• This is the first Training Programme where I felt that it was complete.
• We enjoyed the games a lot.
• I am delighted with the programme. Lot of Visual Aids used which never makes one to dose (sleep).
• The programme revolved around real life situations. Programme makes it easy to achieve the targets.
- Executives of Private Eye Pvt. Ltd.
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