Industrial Associations


  • Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
  • NHRD
  • Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI)
  • National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM)
  • World Trade Centre (WTC)
  • Bangalore Management Association (BMA)
  • All India Manufacturers’ Association (AIMO)
  • Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI)
  • International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)
  • Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE)
  • Bombay Chamber of Commerce (BCC)
  • Millennial Pharma Students Congress
  • HR Connect
  • Instrumentation Experts Club, Mumbai (IEC)
  • Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC)
  • Dept. of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health, Govt. of Karnataka
  • Central Silk Board
  • All India Indane Distributors Association (Karnataka Circle)
  • Garden Villas Residents Association
  • Beejadakatte Fans Association (BFA)
  • Indian Small Scale Paint Association
  • Council for Realty Infrastructure & Services Promotion (CRISP)
  • Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD)
  • Karnataka Chitsters Association


  • Peenya Industries Association (PIA)
  • Bidadi Industries Association(BIA)
  • Whitefield Area Commerce and Industries association (WACIA) 
  • Hosur Industries Association(HIA)
  • Doddaballapur Industries Association(DIA)
  • Nanjangud Industries Associations (NIA)
  • Kunigal Industries Association (KIA)
  • Greater Nelamangala Industries Association (GNAI)
  • Karnataka Security Services Association(KSSA)
  • The Southern India Mills’ Association (SIMA)
  • Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals (IASAP)
  • Okhla Garment & Textile Cluster (OGTC)
  • A Waded Foundation
  • South East Management Services LLP. (SEMS)
  • Bruhat Bangalore Hotels Association (BBHA)
Sl.No Management Association/Industrial Body Details of Training Programme/Lecture
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Mysore
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Building High Performance Teams
  • Work-Life Balance
  • 5S Principles of House Keeping
  • Behaviour Based Safety
  • Team Building
  • Positive Attitude
  • Transformational Leadership
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Bengaluru
  • Building High Performance Teams
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Vishakapatnam
  • Supervisory Skills
  • Behaviour Based Safety
  • Building High Performance Teams
  • Facing the Audits
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Puducherry
  • Behaviour Based Safety
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Goa
  • Behaviour Based Safety
Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI)
  • We are one and we will win!
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Challenges of Tourism
  • Building Positive Work Culture in
  • Happy Family Life
World Trade Centre
  • Building High Performance Teams
  • Building positive work culture in
  • Innovative Techniques of Time
  • Stress Management
National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), Bengaluru/Mysore
  • Building High Performance Teams
Bangalore Management Association (BMA)
  • Formula for Success
  • Celebrating the Work
  • Positive Attitude and Motivation
  • Team Building
Instrumentation Experts Club, Mumbai (IEC)
  • A Celebration Called Life
All India Manufacturers Organization (AIMO)
  • Building Positive Work Culture in
Bombay Chamber of Commerce (BCC)
  • VRS- A Paradigm Shift from Problem to
Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI), Bengaluru Chapter
  • 3Qs for Personal Effectiveness
  • Building a positive work culture in the
Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI), Mysuru Chapter
  • Building a positive work culture in the
National Safety Council
  • Behaviour Based Safety
HR Connect
  • Building Positive Work Culture
Millennial Pharma Students Congress
  • Self Motivation
Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE)
  • Positive Attitude & Motivation
  • Customer Delight
National Institute of (NITK) Technology Karnataka (Surathkal)
  • Behavior Based Safety
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Bengaluru
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Soft Skills
Department of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety Health, Government of Karnataka
  • Sell Yourself
  • Sell Safety and Behavioral aspects of
    Safety Management
Secretariat Club (Government of Karnataka)
  • Personality Development
Department of Handlooms and Textiles. Suvarna Vastra Neethi
  • Entrepreneurship
The Indian Pharmaceutical Association
  • Staff Development
All India Indane Distributors Association (Karnataka Circle)
  • Guest Service and Personality
Garden Villas Residents Association
  • Values of Life
Center for Research and Industrial Staff Performance(CRISP)
  • Transformational Leadership
Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD)
  • How to nurture and enhance skills of
    executives for better performance
Sl.No Management Association/Industrial Body Details of Training Programme/Lecture
Peenya Industries Association (PIA)
  • Success through Self Motivation
  • Membership Drive & Public Image
  • Work Effectiveness & Personality
Nanjangud Industries Association(NIA)
  • Best Management Practices
Hosur Industries Association (HIA)
  • Supervisory Skills
Kunigal Industries Association (KIA)
  • Supervisory Development Programme
Greater Nelamangala Industries Association (GNIA)
  • Leadership and People Management Skills
Whitefield Area Commerce & Industries Association(WACIA)
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Women
Bidadi Industries Association
  • Building Positive Work Culture in
Doddaballapur Industries Association
  • Building Positive Work Culture in
South India Mills Association (SIMA)
  • HR Practices in Textile Industry
Karnataka Security Services Association (KSSA)
  • Personal Effectiveness
Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals(IASAP)
  • Self Motivation
Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC)
  • Pharmaceutical Management and
    Personal Excellence
Department of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety Health, Government of Karnataka
  • Sell Yourself
Secretariat Club (Government of Karnataka)
  • Personality Development
Department of Handlooms and Textiles, Suvarna Vastra Neethi
  • Entrepreneurship
The Indian Pharmaceutical Association
  • Staff Development
Trinity NDT Engineers
  • Work Effectiveness

Opinions of our clients

“…The participants were just awestruck by the way the programme was conducted. The participants were highly appreciative of the capacity of the faculty to hold the audience together. The examples, the anecdotes and the training techniques were exemplary.

We would like to place on record our sincere appreciation of their great expertise and commitment in training the people. Thank you for your extremely helpful services.The programme was extremely well received. We look forward to hold many more events in future…”
– Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Visakhapatnam Zone
“…The opinions are the testimony of the efforts of Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah. He was not allowing us to deviate even once from concentrating on the programme. All of today’s learning will help each one of us for our life. He comes with a wealth of experience of 40 years…”
– World Trade Center (WTC)
“…The workshop was of a great benefit to the members of CII Mysore Zone as is evident from the feedback received by them. The workshop received overwhelming response from the corporate and the feedback received from the participants was 90 on a 100 rating scale.
The Training Programme was extremely well received. The participants who were more than 100 in number were highly appreciative of the contents, presentation and the relevance of the messages. The examples quoted from real life situations, the anecdotes and the training techniques were exemplary and kept the audience captivated throughout the presentation. Going by the feedback of the participants, the session was a huge success.
We would like to place on record our sincere appreciation of the great expertise and commitment of M/s. Unique Consultants and recommend that many companies should utilize the services of M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru for training their employees.
M/s. Padma Hemanth of M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru have conducted two Training Programmes on ‘5s Principles of House Keeping’ organized by us for a total of about 150 employees drawn from various companies. The Training Programmes were extremely well received. We have received great appreciation from the participants who attended the Training Programmes. The Course Contents, Presentation Skills of the faculty, Case Studies, etc. in the Training Programmes were superb and made a deep impact on the participants. We strongly recommend that organizations should conduct Training Programmes on 5s by Ms. Padma Hemanth. We are sure they would get immensely benefitted by the Training Programmes…”
– Confederation of Indian Industry(CII)
“… We would like to congratulate you on the great feedback that we received from the participants…” “…The opinions are the testimony of the efforts of Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah. He was not allowing us to deviate even once from concentrating on the programme. All of today’s learning will help each one of us for our life. He comes with a wealth of experience of 40 years…”
– World Trade Centre
“…We wish to place on record our sincere appreciation for the excellent manner in which you conducted the Training programme. We have received excellent feedback from all the participants and we are confident that the invaluable inputs received in the training will go a long way enabling the FKCCI to render efficient and effective services to the members.
Thank you for your enchanting and informative talk. In their feedback, our members have used words such as ‘wonderful’, ‘very highly motivational experience’, ‘extremely refreshing’, ‘very engaging, inspiring, innovative,’ etc., to describe the interactive session. Further, the average rating given by our members on the overall effectiveness of the training programme is 9.1 (on 0-10 scale. o: Lowest; 10: Highest). This shows that the training programme was found very effective and useful. We would like your presence and guidance for all the future programmes of FKCCI…”
– Federation of Karnataka Chambers of commerce and industry (FKCCI)
“… Your address held the audience spell bound and was admired…”
“…The Dance, Drama and Skits on ‘Pleasure of Work’ conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants was extremely well received by the participants. The event has, in a very entertaining way, imparted education and awareness to employees on how they can achieve ‘Pleasure of work’ at their work stations. Skits on how to break monotony at work place deserves special mention.
The feedback from the target audience reveals the high level of usefulness. All of them have been unanimous in their appreciation for the professional way, right from the artists to the choreographer and all involved, in which this programme has been organized and executed. These opinions bear testimony of the impact this programme has had on the audience.
We sincerely compliment and appreciate M/s. Unique Consultants for organizing such a meaningful and educative programme. We have no hesitation in recommending to the industries to utilize their services to propagate the concept of ‘Pleasure of Work’ to their employees…”
– National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM)
“…We place on record our deep gratitude to you and your colleagues for having conducted the training programme. The programme has been rated quite high by the participants in terms of its usefulness, relevance and effectiveness in one’s business and personal life. Many participants felt that the programme was vey educative, energetic and informative and it would help them handle crisis and unforeseen situations with ease…”
“…Performed by very competent dancers. It captivated and enthralled the audience. The participants, for Overall Effectiveness and Impact of the programme, have given an Average Rating of 9.1 on 0-10 scale (0:Lowest; 10:Highest). This is a testimony of the quality of the programme. We strongly recommend to the organizations to utilize the great expertise, vast experience and the exemplary commitment of M/s. Unique Consultants and organize many more dance events…”
– Bangalore Management Association(BMA)
“…The presentation and lecture on a “A celebration called Life” by Unique consultants was extremely impressive and effective. The programme was though provoking and our members (who were more than 120 in numbers) were highly impressed. The program was so much appreciated that the members wanted a repeat session of the same. We wish to place on record our appreciation for the excellent programme conducted by M/s Unique Consultants…”
– Instrumentation Experts Club(Mumbai)
“…The workshop was a grand success and your presentation evoked very good response from the participants…”
– Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Mumbai)
“…The presentation made by Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah was superb. The audience were kept captivated throughout the presentation due to the high impact of presentation, relevance of concepts and exemplary connect with the audience. The participants were highly appreciative of the electrifying talk by Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah and were spellbound by the presentation. We wish to place on record our sincere admiration and for your great presentation…”
– All India Manufacturers Association(AIMO)
“…He made an excellent presentation and drove home the concepts in a user friendly way and ignited their interest on the subject. He handled the questions and answers session brilliantly. Experience sharing by eminent faculty members like him adds to the stature of our Programmes. We express our sincere thanks and best wishes to our learned Speaker, Sri Aswatha Ramaiah…”
– Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI)
“… Your training programmes received overwhelming response from the participants. The contents, training techniques and methodology are exemplary. The faculty has great depth of knowledge and presentation skills…”
– National Safety Council
“…The programmme was awesome. Without exception, the professionals at the conference said, ‘Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah’s programme was amazingly good, brilliant, compelling, truthful, moving, surprising, powerful with the right mark with right tone…’” “…Without exception, the professionals at the conference said Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah’s programme was amazingly good, brilliant, compelling, truthful, moving, surprising, powerful with the right mark with right tone…”
– HR Connect
“…At the outlet I profusely thank you for having accepted our invitation to be a resource person in the training programme convened by the Department of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health on the caption ‘New Techniques for inspection and Testing of Industrial Equipment” on 30th September 2013 at Bengaluru.
I am really delighted to inform you that the subject “Safety is a Religion” on which you spoke was highly knowledge sharing and appreciated by the delegates wholeheartedly.
Look forward your continuous support in the endeavors of the department…”
– Department of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health, Government of Karnataka
“…This is to certify that Shri V. Aswatha Ramaiah, founder and principal faculty at M/s Unique Consultants, Bangalore, was invited to address around 500 scientists of Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India during a two-day “Scientists Meet 2014” organized on 21st – 22nd March 2014 at Hotel Chancery Pavilion, Bangalore. Shri Ramaiah was requested to deliver on the topic “You are the key who can make a difference”, during the two-day workshop and as expected, he literally enthralled and mesmerized the scientific audience with his quick wit, vast ocean of knowledge, logical reasoning capabilities, extraordinary convincing power, unique presentation style and also recharged everyone with his ever flowing positive energy. His valuable and practical tips on leadership, team spirit, team work will go a long way to improve the effectiveness of our scientists in particular and Silk R&D in general. The participants were highly appreciative of the training content, methodology and effectiveness of the programme. The programme was very well received by the Seri-experts & Silk scientists and it was widely appreciated by one and all…”
– Central Silk Board
“…M/s Unique Consultants, Bangalore is a renowned training and consultancy firm their training programmes are extremely well received and are found very effective and useful. The programmes are practical, relevant, lively and very result –oriented. They adopt many effective and innovative training techniques to powerfully drive home the concepts in the minds of the participants.
Considering the vast experience, great competence and high commitment of M/s Unique Consultants, PIA has engaged them to conduct a series of training programmes. We strongly recommend to PIA members to utilize the same and nominate/sponsor their employees for the various training programs. With the association of M/s Unique Consultants, we feel that we have opened a new chapter of training and development of the employees of our member organizations…”
– Peenya Industries Association (PIA)
“…Our association members have benefited by your past experience and various training programmes. Your presentation was very effective and very good…”
– Nanjangud Industries Association (NIA)
“…The programme had good interaction and was a learning experience. The programme was well received by participants and we were appreciated for conducting a useful programme…”
– Greater Nelamangala IndustriesAssociation(GNAI)
“…About 50 Executives and Managers of various organizations from and around Bidadi Industrial Area attended the presentation and highly appreciated the same. In the Feedback Formats, the participants have written that ‘The session was Eye Opener, Excellent, Great Clarity, Triggering the intellect, Need-of-the-hour, Simple & Straight-forward, Very impressive, Very important session, Very knowledgeable, presenter with rich experience, Research-oriented, Very Relevant, Very informative and Well organized talk with free flow’ etc. These opinions are the testimony of the vast knowledge and the incredible presentation skills of Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah.
We sincerely appreciate his commitment and concern in creating awareness in the rganizations to build a very positive good and healthy culture. We are sure that organizations who are keen to transform or enhance their organizational culture may find his professional engagement in conducting Training Programmes and other HR interventions very fruitful in evolving a performing Organization…”
– Bidadi Industries Association (BIA)
“…The Training Programme was superb. In the Feedback Formats, the participants have written as under to describe the programme:
Mind blowing programme, Fascinating programme, Very fantastic programme, Life changing programme, Superb programme, Really admirable programme, Very excellent programme, Felt positive energy (due to the programme), Really worthwhile programme, Excellent communication, Confidence building programme, Very useful programme, Vast knowledge of the faculty, In-depth programme, Inspiring programme, Very informative programme, Active programme, Interactive programme, Interesting programme, Motivating programme.
The above opinions are the testimony of the impact the Training Programme had on the participants. Ms. Padma Hemanth has in-depth, hands-on expertise and experience and she explains them to the participants in an extremely effective, captivating and practical manner. Her presentation skills, training techniques and rapport with the participants are exemplary.
We sincerely appreciate the commitment and competence of Ms. Padma Hemanth to conduct Training Programmes and recommend to the organizations to conduct her Training Programmes and reap the rich benefits therefrom…”
– Whitefield Area Commerce and Industries Association (WACIA)
“…We take reference to the Training Programme you conducted on ‘Developing Positive Work Culture in organization’ to our Association members on 4th April 2016. We have received overwhelming response from the participants who attended your programme. Some of the comments are reproduced below:
“…Fantastic, The best presentation, Very impressive, Insightful, Very thought-provoking. These are the words written (in the Feedback Formats) by the participants to describe your lecture.
The contents of the session, the presentation style and the in-depth knowledge you possess on the subject are truly amazing. You essayed the topic in a phenomenal style and tremendous skills. Your vast experience of training more than four lakh employees in India and abroad was evident in your lecture and your rapport with the audience was extremely cordial. We strongly recommend that any organization which wants to build an exemplary work culture should avail your services to bring in great improvement in the organizational culture…”
– Doddaballapur Industries Association (DIA)
“…The training programme was outstanding and an eye opener for the participants.The training methodology and the presentation skills of the trainer were outstanding and thrilled the participants in so much so that many of our member organization are asking us to conduct further training programme from M/s Unique Consultants. The contents of the training programme was very thoughtfully customized for the target group who gave a standing ovation to the trainer at the end of the training programme. We urge many more Associations, Institutions and Organizations to utilize the tremendous expertise and competence of M/s Unique Consultants and conduct training programmes for their member organizations.
Thank for you for your valuable and very relevant thoughts. All the participants have been very appreciative and are overwhelmed that your thoughtful session was fabulous and has indeed enhanced our knowledge.A heartful thank you on behalf of our Association and we really need more such sessions in future along with your guidance to aim higher and better…”
– Karnataka Security Services Association (KSSA)
“…I must echo that your talk peppered with wonderful examples, both inspired and moved us. Our members were truly delighted and have requested we invite you to address us again…”
– Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals (IASAP)

Opinions of the participants (as written by them in the Feedback Formats )on the Training Programme on ‘How to nurture and enhance skills of executives for better performance’ conducted by Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah, Unique Consultants. (The Programme was organized by Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD), Bangalore Chapter.)

A. M/s. Geba Cables and Wires India Pvt. Ltd.:

  • The programme was fantastic. It helped us to learn the skills that are useful
    both in personal and professional area, PPTs were very good.
  •  Programme was wonderfully designed and executed lively. PPTs were
    wonderful covering bullet points with brief explanations.
  • Program was very interesting. It can be easily applied in our day-to-day life.
    PPTs were very good.
  •  Programme was very nice with and educative, PPTs were very good.
  • An excellent and adoptable program (in both work and personal life). PPTs
    were good with reliable statistics.
  •  Programme was interactive and good, PPTs were very useful, simple and
  •  Programme was interactive and useful with practical approach. PPTs were
    great and motivational

B. M/s. Wave Mechanics Pvt Ltd.:

  • Training Programme will help us to increase our knowledge which is very much
    required in the present days.
  • Programme was very interactive and engaging, PPTs were good and easy-to-
    understand. Please keep it up.
  • Programme was good and PPTs were useful.
  •  Programme was very motivational.
  • Programme was very practical and innovative.
  •  Programme will help for self-development, PPTs were informative.

H. M/s. SLR Metaliks Ltd.

  • Training Program was very informative

I. M/s. LCIPL:

  • Programme was knowledgeable.

C. M/s. Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

  • Programme was excellent, very informative and useful. More new things were
    covered in the programme. All the topics covered were excellent.
  • Programme was useful and interactive. It is helpful in our daily life both
    officially and personally. PPTs were very effective and catchy as real life
    examples were quoted.
  • It was an excellent and interactive Training Programme, PPTs were relevant.

D. M/s. Karnataka State Police Housing & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.:

  • Programme was interactive. You made us to involve in the entire program.
  • PPTs were excellent. Overall program was good.

E. M/s. Noble Seeds Pvt. Ltd.:

  • Programme was extremely good and useful. PPTs were very relevant and
    easily understable.
  • The Training Programme was informative and helps to meet the ongoing
    challenges. PPTs were good and informative

F. M/s. C. Krishniah Chetty & Sons:

  • Trainer is remarkable. Training Programme was excellent. PPTs had good
    content on all topics.
  •  It was a very lovely, interactive programme. PPTs were pictorial and very

G. M/s. BEML Ltd.:

  • Programme was relevant.

J. M/s. The TSS Ltd.:

  • Programme was very useful.

Opinions of the participants on the Training Programme on ‘Building Exemplary Culture in the Organisation’ conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru (Programme organised by Quality Circle Forum of India, QCFI, Mysuru Chapter

A.Schneider Electric Pvt. Ltd.:

  • This is the best training I have ever attended in my life. Programme was so
    informative. Programme will make my life more valuable regarding culture
  • Programme was very good and informative. I will improve self discipline for
    achieving success.
  • Very interactive programme. Programme taught me about the incidents which
    are happening in and around in our life. I will make changes in my life style so
    that I can achieve my goals

B. N. Ranga Rao and Sons Pvt.Ltd.:

  • Training Programmewas wonderful, very useful, beautiful, very knowledgeable
    and very informative.
  • The way of explaining the topic and the examples given were very attractive. I
    will have good environment in the factory with workers in a good manner with
    ethical and cultural activities.
  • The best part was sharing of personal experience (of the trainer). I will adopt
    the best cultural practices in my professional and personal life.
  • Practicing the learning with our team members and workforce as our
    Organisational Culture will align the people towards the goal. I will adopt
    Organisational Culture for development in our company and life.
  • We should mandate this programme for all the employees of the organisation

C.Automotive Axles Ltd.:

  • Training was unique, great, excellent, effective, fully useful, very attractive, fully
    engaging, efficient, informative, relatable, interactive and very good.

D. Brakes India Pvt. Ltd.:

  • I loved the entire programme. It was very effective.

E.BEML Ltd.:

  • Programme was excellent, extremely helpful, very good, informative and

F. Excel Par Electronics Pvt. Ltd.:

  • Programme was very good and very useful.

G. Mysore Wifiltronics Pvt. Ltd.

  • Programme was very good and informative.

H. Kaynes Technology India Ltd.:

  • We did not feel it as classroom training. We discussed about the practical
    scenarios which helped to understand (the concepts) easily.
  • I felt emotional and learnt the value of culture in life.
  • Trainer was very knowledgeable and a very good speaker.
  • Knowledge was shared based on own experience of the trainer with examples.
  • Programme was great, excellent, very effective, very good, efficient,
    interesting, very nice, interactive and informative.
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