Building Positive Work Culture in Organisation


It is very important to build excellent work culture in organizations. Positive work culture of the organization results in attracting talented and competent employees, enhancing engagement / motivation level of employees, reducing the attrition and improving the reputation and image of the organization.

Yet, building a positive work culture in the organization is a complex process due to the complexity (since many variables are involved), chronology (culture is built over a period of time),Diaspora (geographical spread of employees) and market compulsions. Added to  this, the organizational culture (unlike the Systems, Procedures, Policies,etc.)are unwritten practices passed on from generation to generation in the organization. Hence building positive work culture involves tremendous commitment, incredible clarity, pervasive inclusivity (of all employees), exemplary competence and uncompromising ethics built on strong fundamentals of organizational values.

This Training Program has been customized to give valuable insights and practical guidelines to build positive work culture in organizations. The Course Contents and the Training Methodology have been imaginatively formulated to render the workshop very unique, contemporary, thought-provoking and impactful.

Course Contents:

Few words from our clients

“…The search for a training agency which conducts the most effective Outbound Training Programmes should end with M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru. The mastery of the faculties in conducting Outbound programmes was evident. The way the concepts and principles were taught was simply superb. Every game was extremely absorbing, highly relevant and innovative. The passion and the competence of M/s. Unique Consultants in conducting Outbound Programmes are exemplary. The fact that the participants have given an Average Rating of more than 9 on a 0-10 Scale (0: Lowest; 10: Highest) for the effectiveness of the programme speaks volumes about the deep impact the programme had on the participants. We strongly recommend that many more organizations should organize Outbound Programmes for their employees from M/s. Unique Consultants and reap rich dividends…”

Volvo India Pvt. Ltd.

“…The Outbound Programme learning involved games and activities that were relevant and thought-provoking. The programme helped the participants to come closer and appreciate inter-team dynamics. The programme was conducted professionally by M/s. Unique Consultants with high level of commitment..”

ITC Limited

“…The Outbound Programme conducted for approx. 120 employees was extremely effective. The games and exercises played out by them were interesting and innovative. What was most striking was the explanation of the concepts behind each game and exercise. It had great learnings. We heartily appreciate the competence of M/s. Unique Consultants in conducting such Outbound Training Programme. Our employees thoroughly enjoyed and, at the same time, learnt the concepts…”

Otis Elevators Ltd.
“…In the Feedback Formats, the participants have written „The session was Eye opener, Excellent, Great Clarity, Triggering the intellect, Need-of the-hour, Simple & Straight- forward, Very impressive, Very important session, Very knowledgeable, Presenter with rich experience, Research-oriented, Very Relevant, Very informative and Well organized talk with free flow etc.‟ These opinions are the testimony of the vast knowledge and the incredible presentation skills of Mr. V. Aswatha Ramaiah. We sincerely appreciate his commitment and concern in creating awareness in the organization to build a very positive, good and healthy culture. We are sure that organizations who are keen to transform or enhance their organizational culture may find his professional engagement in conducting Training Programmes and other HR interventions very fruitful in evolving a performing organization…”
– Bidadi Industries Association
“… We have received overwhelming response from the participants. Some of the comments are “Fantastic, The best presentation, Very impressive, Insightful, Very thought-provoking… The contents of the session, the presentation style and the indepth knowledge you possess on the subject are truly amazing. You essayed the topic in a phenomenal style and tremendous skills. Your vast experience and your rapport with the audience was extremely cordial. We strongly recommend that any organisation which wants to build an exemplary work culture should avail your services to bring in great improvement in the organizational culture…”
– Doddaballapur Industries Association
“… Your presentation was, to say the least, extraordinary and fantastic. Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah has truly mastered in giving inputs to improve the Organisational Culture. From his talk and presentation, it is evident that he has made very elaborate study and observations on organizational culture and the ways to improve the culture…”
– Quality Circle Forum of India(QCFI)
“… Your talk on „Creating a Positive Organisational Culture” was thought-provoking and excellent. All attendees found your facilitating style to be professional, interactive and engaging. By every measure, you are a very effective speaker and educator…”
– Prestige Group
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