Garment Industry

Opinions of our clients

“…The Training Programmes conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru for our supervisors were very effective and thought-provoking. Our Supervisors received very useful and relevant inputs in the Training Programme to discharge their responsibility as Supervisors. The programme was extremely interactive, participative and lively. Based on the excellent feedback received for the initial Training Programmes, we have decided to conduct many training programmes for our Supervisors…”
– Page Industries Ltd
“…The programmes were found very effective and useful. The presentation and examples were extremely good, simple in understanding and could be easily implemented…” Ms. Padma Hemanth has done a fantastic and superb job by conducting ten very powerful and impactful training programmes. The newly recruited Engineers got immensely benefited by the Training Programmes. The Training Programmes had very relevant Case Studies, Role Plays, Games, Exercises, etc. to render them very effective, participative, relevant and useful. We have seen tremendous improvement in the professional skills of our Engineers after they attended the Training Programmes conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants and we feel many more companies should organize Training Programmes from them for Newly Joined Employees…”
– Arvind Group
“…The program was designed and customized to suit our specific needs. Pre-program and post-program diagnostic evaluations were a part of the intervention and it helped to reveal the transfer of learning…”
– ITC Ltd. (Apparel Division)
“…The programs were exclusively formulated for the garment industry and were key result-oriented…”
– Gokaldas Images Pvt. Ltd
“…The programme was really unique in its contents, presentation style and teaching techniques. All the participants felt that the programme was the need of-the- hour and gave valuable insights into the subject. They felt that the programme was highly interactive and participative with a number of games, case studies, role plays and other interesting training techniques…”
– Total Wardrobe Solutions
“…Their training programmes are extremely well received. Their vast experience in the field of training is very evident in their course coverage, training methodology and delivery skills. We are immensely benefited by their training programs. The participation of employees in the training programme was of a very high order and the programs were very lively, focused and result oriented…”
– Everblue Apparel Ltd
“…The program was excellent and has opened out a lot of inherent talents in the participants and facilities them to adopt the same in their future endeavors…”
– Premier Mills
“…The programmes were found extremely effective and impactful. There was a high level of participation in the programme. The training techniques, practical exercises adopted in the training were very innovative and relevant. The participants felt that the programmes were result oriented and were very useful for their career…”
– Central Silk Board
“… Unique Consultants are the masters in training the people in multiple aspects affecting the overall health and profitability of various industries. The programme conducted by them for our employees was useful to every individual belonging to different strata in the organization which helps in developing employee retention, morale boosting and good work culture. The programme was an eye opener and many people got influenced. The faculty is talented and versatile. She mingled with the crowd like a family member and taught many aspects. The tears rolled on cheeks of many participants were the proof of the impact the programme had on them…”
– M/s. Aquarelle India Pvt. Ltd
“…The Training Programme was conducted based on practical situations of Garment Industry by Games and Videos. The trainees were well motivated…”
– M/s. Mudra Lifestyle Ltd
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