Engineering Industry

Opinions of our clients

“… The programmes are unique, practical, effective, participative, lively and result-oriented. We greatly appreciate their dedicated and timely service. I am associated with Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah for more than a decade. He is a thought leader and a highly resourceful person. He can customize his programmes to specific organisations, roles and the business context. He has co-created a high impact OD programmes for one of our manufacturing plants along with the stakeholders. Mr. Aswatharamaiah has pioneered the art of quickly grasping factory situation and develops comprehensive interventions (not mere training programs). He was instrumental in steering one such key initiative ‘Towards Progress’ in one of our factories which was heading for a major expansion. This was a holistic and well integrated approach to prepare the entire factory team to face the challenges. This model was effectively co – created through the phases of Needs Analysis, Design, Development, Delivery and Impact Measurement with active involvement Mr.Aswatharamaiah…”
– TVS Motor Company
“… The programmes have resulted in positive change in the attitude, outlook and performance of employees. The programmes are found very effective and useful…”
– Titan Industries Ltd
“… The programmes conducted by you for our employees in the last 3 years had a terrific impact both on their family life and official life. We feel proud that we were able to organise effective programmes…”
– L&T Komatsu Ltd.
“… We are very appreciative of the methodologies you adopt to drive home the points- lectures, songs, slides, role plays, videography…”
– Ingersoll Rand (India) Ltd
“… Our heartfelt thanks. The participants found the programme a very rewarding experience. Your style of communication and the manner in which the programme was conducted was highly appreciated by the participants…”
– Widia (India) Ltd
“… The programmes are well received. The participants have found the programmes very effective and useful. The feedback from the employees has been very encouraging. We are very hopeful that the programmes will result in improved attitude, outlook and performance of our employees…”
– ABB Ltd
“… Your programmes are very interesting, useful, attractive, practical, different and creative. The feedback from the participants has been excellent…”
– Crompton Greaves
“…M/s. Unique Consultants have conducted 96 hours of training for a single batch of employees. The course was very thoughtfully structured and very effectively conducted. The training methodology was extremely practical. The skill levels of the employees have significantly changed after attending the course. It was very heartening for us to see, on the valedictory day of the course, the employees narrating their great experiences with the course and vital learnings they had from the course. We appreciate the professional manner in which M/s. Unique Consultants have conducted the course. It is our definite intention to organize similar training programmes from M/s. Unique Consultants. Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah is a name I heard well before I even began working with him, mainly due to the impact he has created on many employees he trained at 3M. His sessions changed the lives of our employees both personally and professionally. Mr.Aswatha Ramaiah’s dedication to his profession and his high work ethics make one aspire for that level of professionalism…”
– 3M India Ltd
“… Your training was an enriching experience. Your insightful inputs were very interesting. We are sure this will prove to be very valuable…”
– Wipro
“… Your programmes are a rewarding experience. They are educative, interactive, full of meaning. The skill with which you take the participants through the process of learning is excellent…”
– Harihar Polyfibres
”… The programmes were customized to our requirement. They are helpful to inculcate a sense belongingness and commitment…”
– Denso Kirloskar
“… The programmes are educative, meaningful and useful. We propose to impart your training to all our 1800 employees…”
– Vikrant Tyres Ltd
“… Your programmes were very well planned and imparted. We thank you for the efforts put in by you to fully meet our expectations…”
– Graphite India Ltd
“…The programmes are interactive, down-to- earth, active, practical and implementable. We received very positive response from the participants…”
– Raman Boards Ltd
“… The programmes are unique. They are very effective and the participants were very much impressed…”
– Brakes India Ltd.
“…The elaborate preparations made by them to arrive at the course contents and training methodology is indicative of their commitment to conduct quality Training Programmes…” “….M/s. Unique Consultants have conducted more than 25 Induction Programs covering our company’s Values and Behaviors. They have customized the program for us. The program is well structured and is highly interactive and participative and is much appreciated by the participants…”
– Tyco Electronics
“… We are happy to convey our appreciation of your programmes. The programmes are well received. The feedback from the participants is positive and encouraging…”
– J.K.Industries Ltd
“… Your programs were not only educative and informative, but also innovative in style. Your art of training is exemplary…”
– India Packaging Products
“… Your insatiable desire and invincible energy to take on the challenge of transforming people has put our unit back on track from negative spiral to positive spiral…”
– Kamla Dials and Devices Ltd
“… Thank you very much for carrying out an excellent programme. The programme opened a new dimension…”
– Krones (India) Pvt. Ltd
“…The programme received overwhelming response. The programme had lot of practical insights shared and very informative. We really appreciate the trainer who presented valuable information with good presentation skills. The whole training session was excellent and very interactive…”
– Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd
“…The feedback by the participants was excellent. We are indeed thankful to you for exposing our employees to those useful concepts and ideas…”
– Primacy Industries
“… A variety of approaches were used. The contribution by the trainer was of immense value and the quality of the materials that was circulated during the programme was explicit. The participants felt that it was a rewarding and an intellectually stimulating experience. The uniqueness of your training is its simplicity, yet so deep in-both width and breadth, reachable cutting across all categories. Customization of programme to the individual requirement is yet another exclusivity…”
– Bosch Ltd
“… The training programmes were very useful and effective. The program was well received and appreciated by all the participants. They have found the program to be very informative and interesting. The overall feedback from the employees has been very positive and we believe that these programs will help employees to improve their personality and, in turn, enhance their overall performance level…”
– SJS Enterprises Pvt. Ltd
“… The programmes were very effective. The programmes were customized to meet our requirements. The examples and case studies were drawn from day to day situations which made the programme very specific and relevant to the participants. We have observed great improvement in the attitude, performance, skills and etiquette of our employees after attending the training programme…”
– Apollo Power Systems
“… The programme was widely appreciated by the participants for giving a new angle of thinking. We would like to associate with you for many more training programmes in future…”
– OTIS Elevator Company (India) Ltd
“… The training programme received overwhelming response from the participants. The participants were highly appreciative of the Training Programmes due to its contents and methodology. The training programme was very relevant and practical with a number of exercises, role-plays and games…”
– L & T, Mysore
“… We have received a lot of positive feedback from our executives for the excellent training conducted by you. The Training Programme was extremely good. We are observing very positive attitudinal changes and improvement in their supervisory skills after attending the training programme. Review of the programme conducted by you was also very useful…”
– GG Cables and Wires India Pvt. Ltd
“…M/s. Unique Consultants have conducted training programme on ‘Safety’ for all our employees. The training programmes are extremely well received and were found very effective and useful. The programmes are very practical, effective and result-oriented. Our employees have greatly improved their safety consciousness and implementation in the shop floor. We whole-heartedly recommend the industries to utilize the vast experience and great expertise of M/s. Unique Consultants in the field of ‘Safety’ to implement/enhance the safety culture in their organization…”
– Armstrong Acmite India Mfg Pvt. Ltd
“… The Training Programme conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants was most interesting. It motivated to develop the participants’ innovative skills in their day to day activities in the most efficient way and to utilize their capabilities to increase the production…”
– Permasteelisa India Pvt. Ltd
“… We wish to place on record our sincere appreciation for the customized training programme on 8D technique and 7QCTools. We have received excellent feedback from the participants. On the third day, the employees were able to showcase their projects based on the training. Overall, the programme was extremely well received by the participants. The training techniques and methodology were exemplary and received great appreciation from the participants…”
– Disa India Ltd
“… The Training Programmes were found highly effective, inspiring and very practical. Our employees have been greatly benefitted by the Training Programmes. Lots of examples were quoted by the faculty to render the programme interesting and useful. We truly appreciate the competence and experience of M/s. Unique Consultants in conducting such Training Programmes…”
– Trident Automobiles (P) Ltd
“… Thank you for your wonderful presentation. I am sure our sales team would use your advice in enhancing their skills…”
– Jakson, Delhi
“… We have strongly witnessed Return On Investment through the soft skills Develoment programme of M/s. Unique Consultants. We have a long term association with them. Mr. Aswath is an excellent person who can present any complex subject into the brains with ultimate simplicity. When he makes this, the concept gets embedded into the brains easily and simply. He energizes the team and make them realize their potential. An excellent trainer and a very good personality…”
– Flowserve India Controls Pvt. Ltd
“…Your programme was electrifying as it jolted the participants into facing the realities. Your delivery and diction kept the people captivated all through the session. Examples and illustrations were apt. Your presentation was realistic, relevant and effective…”
– DPK Engineers Pvt. Ltd
“…The training programme on ‘Professional Success through yoga’ conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants was well appreciated by the participants…”
– Larsen & Toubro, Mysore
… We express our sincere gratitude for 5S implementation in our company and thank you for bringing about a changed look at premises and change in our outlook towards work environment…”
– Nagel India Ltd
“…The training programme conducted by your faculty was simply superb. The case studies, the concepts and principles taught are very valuable. The faculty has tremendous knowledge on the subject and incredible presentation skills. The faculty’s ability to take the audience along was splendid and the entire programme was extremely learning-oriented. We sincerely appreciate the extraordinary commitment and competence of the faculty…’’
– Volvo Ltd
“… The programme has received a great appreciation from our executives. The training was found extremely practical and customized to our exact needs. We have been observing remarkable improvement in the soft skills, attitude and performance of our executives after they underwent the training programmes. We would like to place on record the tremendous job done by M/s. Unique Consultants in training the executives. We have been immensely benefitted by the training programmes…’’
– Stanzen Engg. Pvt. Ltd
“… The programmes were very result-oriented and have received great appreciation from the participants. They have a unique way of teaching the management concepts through a number of impressive and relevant techniques. Post the programme ,our employees have been motivated and have created a positive impact across the organization…”
– Kostal NTTF Automotive India Pvt. Ltd
“…The content of the training programme was rich. The workshop was thought provoking, inspiring and highly interactive. The connectivity of learnings to personal and professional lives of audience and the inferences that are drawn out of activities are exemplary. The programme energized the employees throughout the workshop. We are highly satisfied with your services…”
– Amara Raja Batteries Ltd
“…Thank you for your wonderful event which helped us to enhance our sales skills. We were disclosed to a whole new level of exposure towards sales. We found it very interesting…”
– Tool Tech Enterprises (P) Ltd
“…The programmes were found very thought – provoking and relevant to the present day corporate. The faculty explained with great clarity and impact. The training techniques adopted were very innovative and effective. The participants were greatly impressed by the contents, delivery and usefulness of the programme…”
– Lapp India Pvt. Ltd
“ …Your unique and innovative way of conducting evaluation, effectiveness and reviewing has been very effective and served the purpose of training completely. The programs were always well received with utmost satisfaction…”
– Deutsch India Power Connectors
“… It was really a wonderful programme and an eye opener. Thanks for conducting such a useful and effective program…”
– John Fowler Ltd
“… The programme was very well appreciated by the participants. We are thankful to you for presenting such an interesting and thought-provoking programme…”
– Taegutec India (P) Ltd
“… The training was received very well by the team members and we can already feel the impact it has made in each of them. We truly appreciate your dedication. It is through the positive efforts of people like you that we can change a lifetime for our employees who yearn for a change. Please accept our sincere thanks for making this training program a grand success…”
– Volvo Construction Equipment
“…The programme was wonderful. It was well designed, well defined and a great learning. Thank you very much for structuring the programme so well…”
– Meritor HVS (India) Ltd
“ …The Training Programme on ‘Train the Trainer’ conducted was extremely well received. For the Overall Effectiveness of the Training Program, the participants have given a Rating of 9.2 on 0-10 scale (0: Lowest; 10: highest). This shows the high impact the Training Programme had on the participants. The Training Programme was very result-oriented, practical, interactive and interesting. The participants got immensely benefitted by the Training Programme and we are observing remarkable improvement in their Training Skills after they attended the Training Programme…” The training programme conducted by Ms. Padma Hemanth for our staff was very well received. We received very encouraging feedback from the participants. The course contents of the training programme and Presentation Skills were absolutely relevant. The programme was also found very effective and useful…”
– Rexam Pharma Packaging India Pvt. Ltd
record our sincere appreciation for the very result-oriented programmme conducted…”
– CNC India Tools & Services (P) Ltd
“… We are highly appreciative of the training programme conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants. The case studies, examples and games employed in the Training Programme made the understanding of the concepts very effective. Our employees are highly appreciative on the training programme conducted and the important learnings and lessons learnt in the programme. The vast experience of M/s. Unique Consultants inconducting training programme was evident in the exemplary and professional manner in which the training programmes were conducted…”
– Sasmos Het Technologies Ltd
“…Having been associated with Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah for nearly 35 years now, I believe he is my mentor and guide. He has added great value to my personally and to my team. He has a great ability to quickly let the trainee into his personal space, thus making the whole process a walk over. Training is the first step to change and I believe Mr. Aswatha Ramaiah is a great boon to society at large…” “…The training programmes conducted by Mr. Aswatharamaiah are always current, lively and practice oriented. We could see visible results from the participants of our company in realising the techniques imparted in the training programmes…”
– Otto Bilz (India) Pvt. Ltd
“…The Training Programme on ‘Leadership Skills’ conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants for our Senior Managers was fantastic. The programme was awesome with profound concepts, case studies, examples and extremely imaginative games and exercises. The participants were all in praise for the impact of the Training Programme. We sincerely appreciate the tremendous knowledge and training skills of the faculty…”
– Kesoram Industries Ltd
“…The Training Programme was fantastic. In the Feedback Formats, the participants have written that the Training Programme was Excellent, Very very useful, Very effective, Very interactive and Very clearly delivered. For the Overall Effectiveness of the Training Programme, the participants have given an Average Rating of 95% which is a testimony of the impact the Training Programme had on them. We highly appreciate the appropriate course contents, exemplary Training Skills and the excellent interaction the trainer had with the participants…”
– The Printers (Mysore) Pvt. Ltd
“…M/s. Unique Consultants have mastered the art of creating Training Modules on the Values of organizations and conducting high impact Training Programmes on the same. Ms. Padma Hemanth conducted splendid Training Programmes which our employees appreciated very much. She was able to explain the values of the company in a very precise and interesting manner with a number of Case Studies, Games, Exercises, Video Clippings etc. which made a lasting impact on our employees. Ms. Padma Hemanth has incredible training skills, wonderful rapport with the participants and phenomenal training techniques. She created a terrific impact on the participants comprising of Heads of Departments, Senior, Middle and Lower level Managers, Workers and Operators. About 650 of our employees (who attended her Training Programmes) highly appreciated her passion for training and her vast knowledge on the topic. She has, by now, become a very sought-after and popular trainer for our employees. Her Training Pogrammes were thought-provoking, very interesting and practical. We wish to place on record our heartfelt appreciation for the fantastic Training Programmes conducted by Ms. Padma Hemanth for our employees…”
– V.S.T. Tillers Tractors Ltd
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