Train the Trainers


The Internal Trainers should have excellent Training Skills. They should be very good in preparation of Course Contents for Training Programme, Delivery Skills and handling the audience. They should adopt most appropriate, effective and innovative Training Techniques to powerfully drive home the concepts. They should build an excellent rapport with the participants and render the Training Programme very impactful, result-oriented, interesting, thought-provoking, practical and relevant. This Training Programme has been formulated to impart the above skills to the Internal Trainers

Course Contents:

Opinions of our clients

“…The search for a training agency which conducts the most effective Outbound Training Programmes should end with M/s. Unique Consultants, Bengaluru. The mastery of the faculties in conducting Outbound programmes was evident. The way the concepts and principles were taught was simply superb. Every game was extremely absorbing, highly relevant and innovative. The passion and the competence of M/s. Unique Consultants in conducting Outbound Programmes are exemplary. The fact that the participants have given an Average Rating of more than 9 on a 0-10 Scale (0: Lowest; 10: Highest) for the effectiveness of the programme speaks volumes about the deep impact the programme had on the participants. We strongly recommend that many more organizations should organize Outbound Programmes for their employees from M/s. Unique Consultants and reap rich dividends…”

Volvo India Pvt. Ltd.

“…The Outbound Programme learning involved games and activities that were relevant and thought-provoking. The programme helped the participants to come closer and appreciate inter-team dynamics. The programme was conducted professionally by M/s. Unique Consultants with high level of commitment..”

ITC Limited

“…The Outbound Programme conducted for approx. 120 employees was extremely effective. The games and exercises played out by them were interesting and innovative. What was most striking was the explanation of the concepts behind each game and exercise. It had great learnings. We heartily appreciate the competence of M/s. Unique Consultants in conducting such Outbound Training Programme. Our employees thoroughly enjoyed and, at the same time, learnt the concepts…”

Otis Elevators Ltd.
“…The Training Programme on ‘Train the Trainer’ conducted by M/s. Unique Consultants for our employees were extremely well received. For the Overall Effectiveness of the Training Programme, the participants have given a Rating of 9.2 on 0-10 scale (0: Lowest; 10: highest). This shows the high impact the Training Programme had on the participants. The Training Programme was very result-oriented, practical, interactive and interesting.The techniques taught in the Training Programme were very thought-provoking. The participants got immensely benefited by the Training Programme and we are observing remarkable improvement in their Training Skills after they attended the Training Programme…”
– Rexam Pharma Packaging India Pvt. Ltd.
“…This has reference to your facilitating programme titled ‘Trainthe trainers’. We are glad to share with you that the programme feed back is positive and encouraging so much that the participants have rated the programme as unique and excellent. I understand that the capsuleon presentation skills was very useful…”
– Vikrant Tyres Ltd.
“…The programme was indeed very good to enhance our skills towards becoming an efficient trainer and to make the training programme more effective…”
– Strides Arcolab Ltd
“…I recount the two days spent under your tutelage with pleasure. You had energized us with your sparkling and interesting talk while, at the same,time opening out our minds. We now feel rejuvenated and inspired to apply the new skills at our training sessions and hope that an altogether new experience is in store for our Trainers and Trainees alike.I am extremely grateful for the sincerity and devotion displayed by you in training us and look forward to many more occasions of meaningful association with you…”
– United India Insurance Co. Ltd
“…They conducted Training Programme on „Train the Trainers for approx.40 faculty of leading Pharma Industries. Their passion to serve the cause of pharma students is very commendable. We sincerely recommend to industries to organize training programmes for the employees from M/s. Unique Consultants…”
– Pharma Training Institute (PTI)
“…The programme was absorbing. There is alround participation from all the participants and there was active participation in the programme…”
– Micro Labs Ltd., Bengaluru
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