
  1.  Balancing the work life and family life
  2. Understanding the influence work life on the personal life and vice versa; Ensuring harmonious relationship between these areas of life.
  3. Understanding the spouse’s compulsions of long working hours (sometimes), stress and tension at workplace, complexities of job, meeting deadlines, etc, at workplace and providing the spouse the much-needed solace and tranquility at home.
  4. Developing empathy with the working spouse
  5. Striking a balance between work life, family life, social life and self development
  6. Enhancing Emotional Quotient (EQ) and developing positive emotions like honesty, integrity, transparency, truthfulness, humility, win-win attitude at work and at home
  7. Developing positive life styles – Dietary habits, physical exercises, reading habits and useful hobbies
  8. Allocating time equitably to work life, family life and social life
  9. Applying the concepts of communication, interpersonal relations and team work in all the three fields i.e. Work, family and social life
  10. Developing positive attitude
  11. Establishing good relations with family members and spending quality time with them
  12. Stress managing techniques at workplace and in personal life
  13. Setting personal and family goals in a mutually complimenting manner
  14. Applying the learnings at workplace in the family and vice versa
  15. Enjoying the best of both the worlds – work life and family life
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